About Me

I'm a professional network engineer from Melbourne,Australia. I am dedicated to my passion on networking and cybersecurity and enjoy my writing.

I enjoy solving complex problems and extract simple solutions. I am mostly busy with my research on networking and cybersecurity field. If I'm not onto it, you'll find me either out in trekking, cooking or walking around in the park.


  • Network designing including Routing and Swithing in Cisco Packet Tracer.
  • Network and Cyber Security using Firewall and IDPs.
  • Ethical Hacking (such as Windows Attack with Armitage, Crunch, Cewl and Other Penetration Tools) using Kali linux.
  • An IoT based Real-Time Meat Inventory Management System using:

    Hardware: RFID, DHT11(Temperature Sensor) and Raspberry Pi.

    Software: Raspbian, Python, Node.JS, EJS, MongoDB, Express

  • Web Application Development with React, Node, Gatsby and GraphQL.


Want to Hire me! Here is my Resume:


About this website

This website is my personal portfolio site. I have designed and developed it using React/Gatsby. If you are interested on how I built this website, you can see my blog on it Click Here(Coming Soon)